Privacy policy & Disclaimer

You put trust in our company so it is our responsibility to guarantee your privacy.

Through this privacy policy we will explain what type of data is collected by using our website, why we collect this data and how it is used.

This privacy policy is applicable to all services offered by our company Medexon.

By using this website you agree to accept this privacy policy.

How do we use collected data

The company and personal data you are providing us when using the Medexon services are only used to be able to execute on the services requested.

Medexon hosts private servers or servers of a third party. The data you provide us will be stored and secured on those servers.

Nothing is shared with third parties unless we have your prior approval.

How do we handle e-mails and other forms of communication

E-mails and other forms of communication are stored on our private servers or those of a third party.

We need to store them for traceability reasons and to be able to process your questions and requests.

How do we handle cookies

See our cooky policy

This privacy policy is tailored to the use and possibilities of this website. Any changes of adaptations on this website can lead to changes in the privacy policy. It is therefore advised to read this privacy policy on a regular basis.